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With The Future

SnaxNox delivers directly from the air within minutes in your city with the help of intelligent drone swarms!

Shape & Deliver
The Future

Shape The Air

Sustainable use of the air for delivery!

Our streets are too congested for efficient deliveries and not particularly sustainable. Drones can help us here and rethink deliveries through the air.

Shape Delivery

Up to 95% faster deliveries within your region and 75% faster for longer distances.

A constantly learning system automatically determines the best routes. There are no traffic jams or intermediate storage locations.

SnaxNox ++

SnaxNox is more than just a drone - it's an entire system

SnaxNox doesn't just build drones! No, we build the entire infrastructure for more independence, faster, and above all, safer flights.

Good & Affordable

Flexible prices - just a few seconds

The prices vary for each drone flight and depend on the distance. But we are always more affordable than alternative delivery options in terms of price-performance ratio.

Shape The Future

Be part of it too!

Do you love drones as much as we do? Then join the SnaxNox team, work with us to promote safe drone technology, or support Linkspreed UG, the company behind SnaxNox, with a small donation.

Customer Reviews

What do you think about drone technology?

Share your opinion, feedback, and even criticism with us.

Shape The Future

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